Mockup of the Jisc Certificate Service place an order service website in a laptop
The challenge
Improving conversions through the form and reducing tickets to the helpdesk. Analysing the current form showed evident pain points such as the form being clunky, fields confusing and the layout jarring.
The solution
Created a more simple, inclusive form. A multi-step structure logically grouped, easy to comprehend, and with a clear pathway for completion. Improved error feedback with inline validation and validation summary.
Image of the old JCS management portal website
Mockup of get started page
mockup of organisation details
mockup of services and payment
mockup of RAO one
mockup of rao two
mockup of signature
mockup of signature
mockup of summary
mockup of thank you page
Other screens
mockup of calculator
mockup of errors page
mockup of need help details
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